WILL BE, when it's done,a walkthrough of how to add a computational unit to the oneproc unit and the testbench. To be concrete for this walkthrough, I'll adding a new function, LFSR16X. Here is the "spec" for that function:
Compute the 16 bit value of the serial B-bit string using the 16-bit LFSR with taps specified by the bit pattern in {arg1,arg0}. A "1" in bitX means D[X+1] = Q[X] xor (inputbit XOR Q[15]) ; A "0" in bitX means D[X+1] = Q[X] ; Ex. To get CRC16 CCITT: {arg1,arg0} 16'b0001_0000_0010_0001 addr00 frameID addr01 CMMD addr02 arg0 addr03 arg1 addr04 LFSR[15:8] addr05 LFSR[7:0] addr06 error_code addr07 reserved addr08-byte63, 56 bytes of Data. Data is streamed in lsb-msb of addr08 to addr63 |