The verification problems I am concerned with here are those cases where the interaction of independent and loosely-connected FSMs is rare ... rare and difficult to orchestrate with constrained random stimulus. I'll call this general condition M&Ms (FSM M1 in state Sm while FSM M2 is in state Sn).
Coverage data from constrained random sequences can tell you what got missed in simulation. Then targeted directed tests can be written to hit these cases after they have been identified. But we already know what the M&Ms are ... they are on our testplan after all. But they are likely on the testplan as higher level descriptions.
So how do we turn those high level descriptions into stimuli and hit those M&Ms automatically? This work is a preliminary investigation along that line.
Tools such as inFact™ from Mentor Graphics, the path tracing tool from nusym (since bought by Synopsys), and tools that perform automatic constraint extraction and run-time modification (see Coverage-directed test generation through automatic constraint extraction, Onur Guzey, Li-C. Wang) perform similar functions. But this is something you can do at home for free (because you write verification code at home for fun, don't you?)
It might soon be available, in part, on EDAplayground.
For the three items above, the pair of scripts and provide the data.
Consider the trivial state machine described and pictured to the right. The Verilog RTL produced by (below the bubble diagram) has STATE as a primary output. The path information produced by is as follows (from trivial_paths.txt): BITS=2 CLK=clk RESET=reset STATE :: I : 00 STATE :: A : 01 STATE :: B : 10 STATE :: C : 11 path1:I(ia)A(ai)I path2:I(ib)B(ELSE)I path3:I(ELSE)C(ci)I path4:I(ia)A+(ai)I path5:I(ib)B(bc)C(ci)I path6:I(ELSE)C+(ci)I path7:I(ib)B(bc)C+(ci)I Using trivial_paths.txt as an input, the script produces one acceptor automata per path. Here is the acceptor automata for path7: //Path path7 is I(ib)B(bc)C+(ci)I module path7 ( input [1:0]STATE, input clk, input reset, output [4:0]EXPECTING, output ok2spin, output doing, output done) ; logic [3:0] FSM ; logic [3:0] nextstate ; logic doing ; logic done ; localparam I = 2'b00 ; localparam A = 2'b01 ; localparam B = 2'b10 ; localparam C = 2'b11 ; localparam my_ZERO = 4'd0 ; localparam my_I = 4'd1 ; localparam my_B = 4'd2 ; localparam my_C = 4'd4 ; localparam my_DONE = 4'd8 ; assign doing = |FSM ; assign done = FSM[3] ; always_comb begin if (STATE == I) EXPECTING = B ; else if (STATE == B) EXPECTING = C ; else if (STATE == C) EXPECTING = I ; end // Registered part of the FSM: always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) FSM <= my_ZERO ; else FSM <= nextstate ; end // Combinatorial part of the FSM: always_comb begin nextstate = 'bx ; case (FSM) my_ZERO : if (STATE == I) nextstate = my_I ; else nextstate = my_ZERO ; my_I : if (STATE == B) nextstate = my_B ; else if (STATE == I) nextstate = my_I ; else nextstate = my_ZERO ; my_B : if (STATE == C) nextstate = my_C ; else nextstate = my_ZERO ; my_C : if (STATE == I) nextstate = my_DONE ; else nextstate = my_C ; my_DONE : nextstate = my_DONE ; endcase end //And a final output assign ok2spin = (FSM == C) ; endmodule |
![]() |
trivial.fsm NAME=trivial CLK = clk RESET = reset ENCODING = BINARY INITIALSTATE = I IDLESTATE = I I(ia)A I(ib)B I(ELSE)C A(ai)I B(bc)C B(ELSE)I C(ci)I bored <= I busy1 <= A busy2 <= C ![]() module trivial ( input clk, input reset, input ia, input ib, input ai, input bc, input ci, output bored, output busy2, output busy1, output [1:0] STATE) ; localparam I = 2'b00 ; localparam A = 2'b01 ; localparam B = 2'b10 ; localparam C = 2'b11 ; // State driven outputs: assign bored = (STATE == I) ; assign busy2 = (STATE == C) ; assign busy1 = (STATE == A) ; // Register part of the FSM logic [1:0] STATE, nextstate ; always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if ( reset ) STATE <= I ; else STATE <= nextstate ; end // Combinatorial part of the FSM: always_comb begin nextstate = 'bx ; case (STATE) I : if (ia) nextstate = A ; else if (ib) nextstate = B ; else nextstate = C ; A : if (ai) nextstate = I ; else nextstate = A ; B : if (bc) nextstate = C ; else nextstate = I ; C : if (ci) nextstate = I ; else nextstate = C ; endcase end endmodule |
The Pathtracker block contains all the acceptor automata and provides the accountant block with both a list of outstanding paths (those not asserting "done") and the expected next state. The accountant performs re-weighting and passes that bias plus the expected next state on to the coercer block. As an example of the account in action, refer to the diagram above and count the number of possible paths.
With the weights based on how many possibilities exist down each path (and from each state), initially the weights to go from state I are: I to A, 2/7, I to B, 3/7, and I to C 2/7 respectively. In a SystemVerilog dist , that's IA:=2, IB:=3, IC:=2.
If path 1 is later found to be taken, the path1 automata is asserting "done", the total number of paths remaining is 6, and the weights change to 1/6, 3/6, and 2/6 (or IA:=1, IB:=3, IC:=2). So the weights now favor the other paths more. Not too much more, but that's what comes from a trivial state machine. Keeping each possible path with a minimum of 1 keeps that path in the constrained random loop. |
The coercer block just grabs sequences based on the accountant's biases. One of the ways to do this is shown in the code to the right ... SystemVerilog allows dist weights to be variables. One would want to replace the case and $display with randsequence and sequences of course. The code shows how the original weights change from 2, 5, and 10 to 1, 1, and 1.
Weights are 2, 5, 10 In 2 with W2 5 In 2 with W2 4 In 3 with W2 10 In 3 with W2 9 In 1 with W1 2 In 2 with W2 3 In 1 with W1 1 In 3 with W2 8 In 2 with W2 2 In 3 with W2 7 In 2 with W2 1 In 2 with W2 1 In 1 with W1 1 In 3 with W2 6 In 2 with W2 1 In 1 with W1 1 In 3 with W2 5 In 3 with W2 4 In 3 with W2 3 In 3 with W2 2 In 3 with W2 1 In 3 with W2 1 In 1 with W1 1 In 3 with W2 1 In 3 with W2 1 In 1 with W1 1 In 2 with W2 1 In 1 with W1 1 In 3 with W2 1 In 3 with W2 1 |
class Weights ; int W1, W2, W3 ; rand bit [1:0] t ; constraint aconstraint {t dist {1:=W1, 2:=W2, 3:= W3} ;} function set (int i, int j, int k) ; W1 = i ; W2 = j ; W3 = k ; endfunction endclass program DynamicWeightChanger; integer W1, W2, W3 ; Weights wts ; initial begin W1 = 2 ; W2 = 5 ; W3 = 10 ; wts = new ; $display ("Weights are %d, %d, %d", W1, W2, W3); repeat (30) begin wts.set(W1, W2, W3); wts.randomize() ; case (wts.t) 1 : begin $display ("In 1 with W1 %d", W1) ; if (W1 > 1) W1-- ; end 2 : begin $display ("In 2 with W2 %d", W2) ; if (W2 > 1) W2-- ; end 3 : begin $display ("In 3 with W2 %d", W3) ; if (W3 > 1) W3-- ; end endcase end end endprogram |